Music of the 15th Century for 3 Recorders (Gerboth, Walter)

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Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. New York: Hargail Music Press, No.H.C.A.-18, 1963.
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General Information

Work Title Music of the 15th Century for 3 Recorders
Alternative. Title
Composer Gerboth, Walter
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 10 pieces
  1. Gilles Binchois - De plus en plus
  2. Arnold de Lantins - Puisque je voy
  3. Hugo de Lantins - Ce ieusse fait
  4. Guillaume Dufay - Franc cueur gentil
  5. Unknown - Noch weet ic een ionc fraukin fijn
  6. Unknown - Mij heeft een piperken dach ghestelt
  7. Heinrich Isaac - Helas que devera mon cuer
  8. Alexander Agricola - Crions nouel
  9. Josquin Desprez - Fortuna d'un gran tempo
  10. Loyset Compère - Le renvoy
First Publication. 1963
Copyright Information
In the USA this work is most likely in the public domain because no renewal was found after a thorough search of the Catalog of Copyright Entries and it was ineligible for "restoration" under GATT/TRIPS.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 3 recorders (SAT)